Skill Development
Helping professional, amateurs and club level players reach their goals.
+8 mph
Swing speed in 2 sessions
60% of students.
+25 yds
Drive distance gain in 3 sessions.
40% of students.
Improve timing after 1 session
Getting you performing consistently, at all levels.
Utilising the latest technology helps to find those key areas that need development whatever your level.
The data we gather gives us valuable insight to how you are performing. This enables us to create personalised plan of attack that will extract the results to help you deliver on the practice ground and on the course.
Club player
Identify, measure and improve your club impact.
The GC QUAD uses 4 ultra-high-speed cameras to see EXACTLY what happens at impact. (think Hawkeye™). It instantly shows you why you hit the shots you do, and how to correct them.
The cameras give extremely accurate data on exactly how the club face is moving as it hits the ball and how the ball launches off the club face.
Analyse your swing, accurately.
With over 20 years of close detailed swing analysis I always make sure that the exact correct diagnosis is made every time.
Picking out small subtle faults and weaknesses in your swing is made easy using high frame rate HD video capture from V1, the industry leading video analysis software for golfers.
You can compare your swing with previous swings from past lessons, or compare your swing with your favourite tour player, ultimately helping you make massive gains in your game.
Improving swing power.
50% of the power generated in the golf swing comes directly from the ground, so when a coach views a golf swing, they’re only getting 50% of the story.
GASP 3D Force Plates give detailed insight into exactly how the athlete uses the ground to create forces to swing the golf club.
The plates provide me with the data I need to quickly identify the correct drills for each individual swing and to design training programmes that rapidly improve club head speed, add control and deliver greater distance and accuracy through the bag.
A simple framework that gives you a plan for every shot
It's a LEARNING PRIORITY system. So, if the TIMING (T) is not right, there is no point working on ACCURACY (A) until the timing is first improved. If you improve the TIMING you usually improve ACCURACY automatically.
Accuracy | Distance
Accuracy | Direction
Get the right putting motion.
The CAPTO putting analysis technology gives the golfer a simple but incredibly detailed feedback system for all the movements and motions in their putting stroke.
It also can sense how the ball is struck and how far it would travel on a flat green of varying speeds.
Hear what clients have to say
6 Month Programmes
For optimal long term development.
From £370 | per month
Billed monthly
✅ UNLIMMITED WhatsApp support
✅ Sent video files with voice over
✅ Monthly Training plans
✅ Online Performance reviews
✅ 9 or 18 hole playing lessons
✅ Tournament Caddying
✅ 20% off training aids.
✅ Stats analysis
Remote/online programmes can also be tailored to you, meaning you can get access to many of the features from anywhere in the world via smart phone apps, zoom video calls and email.